Website Components


Tooltips display additional information upon hover or focus. The information included should be contextual, helpful, and nonessential while providing that extra ability to communicate and give clarity to a user.

01.1 Principles

The tooltip text wraps when the content is wider than the max-width. Additionally, the text can be set to truncate, which is useful when displaying user-generated content of variable length.

01.2 Variants



01.3 Interactions

This component appears when hover other component:
– Icons
– Buttons
– Links


Tooltips appear on hover, focus, or touch, and disappear after a short duration.


Tooltips are always paired nearby the element with which they are associated.


Tooltips only include short, descriptive text.


Tone of Voice

B2B / Clients


  • Knowledgeable
  • Authority in field of UX Research
  • Clear and concise


  • Helpful
  • Enthusiastic
  • Polite / professional


  • American English preferred
  • Grammatically correct with a preference for AP style (AP style is the standard for journalism / public relations writing in the U.S.)
Participants (Panel and BYOU)


  • Informal and relatable
  • Engaging
  • Clear and concise


  • Friendly / cheerful
  • Helpful
  • Enthusiastic / fun


  • American English preferred
  • Grammatically correct with a preference for AP style (AP style is the standard for journalism / public relations writing in the U.S.)

Key Audiences

B2B / Clients

Our clients are typically UX researchers, UX designers, product managers, or marketing managers. We mostly serve large organizations and enterprises, as well as the agencies that serve them.


Participants (Panel and BYOU)

Our panel participants are typically people who enjoy providing feedback and interacting with a website/app and speaking their mind about its user friendliness, while earning some incentive payments for doing so.

Our BYOU participants can come from many different backgrounds, and in general have a similar demographic profile as the country population of a whole, with a slight under representation at the higher end of the socioeconomic scale.



Mission Statement

Userlytics is the market leading, all-in-one remote user experience testing solution for enterprises and agencies of all sizes looking to optimize the user experience of their websites, apps and prototypes.

Through our easy-to-use and scalable technology and proprietary respondent panel, we empower clients to attain qualitative and quantitative  user experience insights quickly and affordably, anywhere in the world.

Vission Statement

We aspire to make the world as user-friendly as possible, by empowering our clients to easily observe their users, customers and prospects as they attempt to achieve their goals, and thus iteratively optimize the user experience of their digital assets.



Consistent use of a grid system provides the foundation for harmoniously and consistently positioning elements onscreen. Designing to the grid helps create an experience that facilitates understanding and brings order to the page.

The grid can be applied through the page component in the Atlaskit library.

Baseline grid and vertical rhythm

The Atlassian type stack specifies 14px for the base font size, which produces an 8px x-height. The x-height is halved to produce a 4px baseline. All text flows vertically along this baseline, creating a similar rhythm across all screens. This rhythm is created by the line height between each line of text and the margin between elements.

Image showing baseline grid and distance in pixels between line height

This baseline convention naturally flows on to the rest of the grid system, which includes icons, components, and layout dimensions. Always try to align objects on the 8px grid, but where necessary use good judgement to fine tune your designs to 4px. The 4px baseline is there to allow more flexibility for line heights and smaller adjustments.

Image showing 16 pixel spacing around buttons.
Image showing spacing around a dropdown.

Best practices

  • Use multiples of 8px when defining measurements, spacing, and positioning elements.
  • When necessary use 4px to make more fine tuned adjustments.
  • Whenever possible, make sure that objects line up, both vertically and horizontally.
  • Align your bounding box to the grid, not the baseline of your text.

Layout with the horizontal grid

We define a horizontal grid for content and UI elements to align to, creating a visual structure with content. We prefer this over relying heavily on boxes and lines around content as it reduces the amount of elements a user needs to scan in order to digest what they see. We believe that the user’s content should be the main focus of a page, so we reduce all unnecessary distractions.

Image showing the layout of the horizontal grid with signposts pointing to the placement of content and UI elements.
  1. Global navigation: Minimum width of 60px.
  2. Container navigation: Minimum width of 240px.
  3. Content: Adaptive width
  4. Gutter: Fixed spacing between columns.
  5. Column: Guides what the content aligns to.

In our grid system we reserve space for the navigation on the left, and apply a center-aligned 12-column adaptive layout to the content. You can apply a fixed width or a fluid grid layout. The fixed-width layout has a max-width of 960px and is useful for long form content. The fluid layout full-screen works better for screens that are data or interaction heavy.

You can combine multiple blocks of fixed and fluid layout underneath each other on a single screen. This is useful when you want to combine a piece of long form text with a code block that would be the full width of the screen.

Both layouts are adaptive. This means column widths will react to whether the navigation is expanded or not, and columns will scale according to available screen real estate. When screen drops below the max-width of the fixed layout, both grid types effectively look the same.

Gutter spacing

The gutters in between columns have a fixed width and only scale when the text size scales to maintain a distinct and legible separation of content. There are three different gutter sizes to allow for different types of content spacing: compact, cozy, and comfortable.

Image showing the gutter sizing for comfortable, cozy and compact content.
  1. Compact: Least whitespace between columns.
  2. Cozy: (Default) normal whitespace between columns.
  3. Comfortable: Most whitespace between columns.

Column layout and text

Layouts in our products are generally in an eight or 12 column configuration. The simplest layout is a centered, single block that spans eight columns. Alternatively, the layout can be extended to use the remaining four columns if there is a need for primary and secondary information.

Using the default font size value in the Atlassian type stack, we can optimize the max width of paragraphs for a comfortable reading experience. There’s an overall maximum width set in the layout to ensure that the line length of text does not exceed a readable measure of 100 characters per line. At 14px, the recommended line length falls at eight columns. With the exception of code, text blocks should not be set across more than that.

Image showing column layout and text options.

Best practices

  • Keep layouts simple. Consider a single block of eight columns or two blocks of eight and four for basic layout.
  • Maximum line length should span up to eight columns, which is the ideal size for all content types. Do not go over this size for normal text.


In place of the grid, use AUI’s page layout guidelines.



The main color palette will cover the majority of your needs. It’s intentionally small in variety so as to not dilute the brand visuals effects, which adds confusion.

Primary Palette

Our primary palette is comprised of neutrals, white, and blue to bring boldness to our brand and is used in logical ways throughout product and marketing to guide the eye and highlight the important bits.



rgba(2, 117, 189, 1)

hsla(203, 98%, 37%, 1)



rgba(2, 39, 62, 1)

hsla(203, 94%, 13%, 1)



rgba(250, 250, 250, 1)

hsla(0, 0%, 98%, 1)

Our secondary palette contains a variety of colors to keep things fresh and interesting. We lean on these colors more frequently when brand awareness is high, or on our own properties where we control the surrounding environment.

When used in conjunction with our primary palette, these colors make every moment feel on-brand and every interaction informative.



rgba(27, 157, 217, 1)

hsla(199, 78%, 48%, 1)



rgba(34, 176, 46, 1)

hsla(125, 68%, 41%, 1)



rgba(222, 160, 0, 1)

hsla(43, 100%, 44%, 1)



rgba(197, 41, 42, 1)

hsla(360, 66%, 47%, 1)



rgba(125, 95, 211, 1)

hsla(256, 57%, 60%, 1)